
Energy is one of
the thriving themes in
The Netherlands

(Renewable) Energy

Energy is one of the thriving themes in the Netherlands. Supported by the Dutch government, the energy sector agreed on a long term Energy Plan that amongst others involves support for a large increase of renewable energy generation capacity (e.g. onshore/offshore wind energy, PV, biomass) and a restructuring/innovation of the energy sector. Peregrine is the most experienced (Dutch) corporate finance boutique in (renewable) energies. It has an unrivalled track record in this sector based on an extensive European network, in-depth sector expertise, and thorough understanding of the financial needs of the different actors in the value chain. Peregrine provides advisory services in the field of M&A (both companies and projects), arranging of project financing (senior debt, mezzanine and equity), capital structuring, and strategic/financial consultancy.

Real estate and infrastructure

In a rapidly changing international environment, Peregrine bridges the gap between the real estate sector and the financial world. Peregrine offers capital structuring & advisory service to real estate companies (i.e. project developers, construction companies) who seek for (alternative) capital solutions. Peregrine offers a wide range of risk/return adjusted investment solutions ranging from equity, mezzanine, to senior lending.

Family owned & medium-sized business

Over the last years, the bank’s traditional role as trusted advisor for family owned & medium-sized businesses changed considerably in the sense that banks are no longer able and/or willing to commit resources to these clients. Consequently, this group feels ignored and is seeking for other (financial) solutions. Peregrine provides financial advisory services to family owned & medium-sized businesses. As long term entrepreneurs with a solid background in the financial sector, we understand and work with the same dynamics as our clients. We use our extensive network with (informal) investors to connect supply and demand. We have a practical and informal working approach with main focus of serving the needs of our clients. We work on transactions with a value starting at EUR 20 million.